15124, Maroysi, Athens, Greece

Lautoka, Kadavu Island, Vava'u, Cross International Dateline, at sea -, Apia, Huahine, Papeete
Approach Ports
Lautoka is located in the west of the island of Viti Levu, the largest island in the Republic of Fiji. Lautoka lies in the heart of Fiji's sugar cane growing region and it is known as the Sugar City. The scenery around the city is stunning, with high mountains, lush vegetation, crystal clear waters, and pristine white-sand beaches.
Vavaʻu is the island group of one large island (ʻUtu Vavaʻu) and 40 smaller ones in Tonga. It is part of Vavaʻu District which includes several other individual islands. According to tradition the Maui god fished up both Tongatapu and Vavaʻu but put a little more effort into the former. Vavaʻu rises 204 metres (669 ft) above sea level at Mount Talau. The capital is Neiafu, which is the fifth largest city in Tonga, situated at the Port of Refuge (Puatalefusi or Lolo-ʻa-Halaevalu).
Apia is the capital city of Samoa, an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean, halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand. Apia is located on the north side of the island of Upolu. The island is a tropical tourist destination with breathtaking sights and natural wonders. The Museum of Samoa highlights the history of the island through artifacts and sculptures crafted centuries ago. Visitors can enjoy water parks, casinos, day tours and attractions and buy unique souvenirs such as handcrafted sculptures, jewelry and woodcarvings
Huahine is an island located among the Society Islands, in French Polynesia, in the Pacific Ocean. One of the famous attractions on Huahine is a bridge that crosses over a stream with eels. Local mythology considers these eels to be sacred. You can also visit the Fa'ahia archaeological site in the north of the island where fossil remains of several species of extinct birds have been revealed.
Papeete is the capital of French Polynesia, in the Pacific Ocean. The city is located on the island of Tahiti. It is not the typical tropical paradise but more of an industrial port and a very busy town center with heavy traffic. The French and Polynesian charm is present in small doses.